I Am Planning to Retire…

I am planning to retire…not from expressing my feelings through the arts, but from the business of selling limited editions of some of my paintings as giclée prints. I remember when my website first started—it was exciting, yet complicated. At that time I was trying to prove to the vultures at the State Tax Board that part of my art could become a business. As you know, I rarely sold my originals, as they are like my children, wanting them to live on and be seen forever at the Butler Museum of American Art after my passing.

Thanks to the invaluable help of my dear friend, Hannah West, my website has become so much more than just a business. It has given me the opportunity to get to know you—and you to know me. Your appreciation has inspired me beyond words. It has given me the boost I needed to keep on painting my feelings.

Please forgive me if you are among those disappointed that my giclée prints are no longer available for purchase. My new year’s goal is to cut back on all activities that complicate and obligate the time I have left here on Earth. My desire is to simplify my life…to be free to wonder and wander wherever my precious path—and my horse—lead me.

I will still try to keep my website going so that you can see all my new paintings and poems as they happen. Also, my book, “KIM NOVAK: HER ART AND LIFE” will still be available and sold through the Butler Museum, which owns all the rights and profits. (You can find the signed copy here and the unsigned copy here.)

It has TRULY been an honor to share my journey with you!

❤️ Kim


Hope, 2023 original painting by Kim Novak.
For me, my new year begins on my birthday. So here’s my new year’s resolution for 2023.
My heart has been empowered to keep going by those who believe in me. I vow to work on a bridge called HARMONY no matter what! I will apply fresh paint daily, using nothing but the best for lasting protection—guaranteed to restore good health by releasing all pent-up emotions. HOPE will be my “North Star”!
(Be sure to click the image to the right to see a larger version of this painting.)

Art has been My Savior

While this has been a strange and difficult time of loss in my life, art has been my savior. I want to share some of my paintings that have kept me going since losing my soul mate.

These are not offered for sale at this time, but if you would like to order one, please send a request through my contact page.


Harvest of Sunlight, poem by Kim Novak, 2021

Lost and Found Horizons

Lost and Found Horizons, original view, 15 x 20 pastel over watercolor by Kim Novak, ©2020

Pastel over Watercolor

I decided not to tell what I was thinking in this painting…other than the fact that we are now living in an ‘upside down world.’ I hope you can take comfort by turning my image in any direction — when you feel the need for a change…

Try to find peace and enjoy!




Man in the Moon

Main in the Moon, 16 x 12 painting by Kim Novak ©2020

Pastel over Watercolor

I’m a believer that there are no such things as ‘accidents’ in life, so when this sweet robin started to tap gently on my studio window I became entranced and decided to paint the event. When I was putting on some of my last strokes, I discovered a flaw in the surface that I was working on. I wanted to keep my first impressions, so I created a halo over the bird’s head…and then I saw Him!!!!  OMG!

See if you can find Him too!



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