Category Archives: Articles

Video: Kim Prepares for Opening of her 2019 Retrospective

I thought you might enjoy seeing a video of last minute preparations for my Retrospective at the Butler Art Museum. My good friend, Linda Solomon, sent it last week for the one year anniversary of the exhibition. You will have a chance to see some of my never exhibited early artworks — including a large oil painting of my Sis!

I’m pleased to be able to share this with you.
❤️ Kim

PS: Be sure and look for the beautiful scarf with my painting, “If Only,” on it. Linda had it specially made for the exhibit!

When you click the link below, the video will play in a new tab in your browser.

Kim Novak Butler Retrospective by Linda Solomon

New Paintings Coming Soon!

This has been such a tragic time in history for all of us in this world — and it has touched us all in so many ways. Please know that my heart goes out to each and every one of you. May we find peace together in a brighter tomorrow!

Hannah and I have been putting together many new paintings and poems for my website. Hopefully, looking at them can bring you some pleasure. Most were introduced as part of my Retrospective exhibit at the Butler Museum of American Art last year. How special it was for me to witness and feel the appreciation for my lifetime’s work in art! For me, it was more rewarding than if I had received a Hollywood “Oscar”!

Anyway, you can expect a notice on Facebook, any day now, from Hannah that she has all the information and pictures ready to post on my website. These paintings are inspired by my life’s experiences, actions and reactions. In one of my favorites, called “LOST AND FOUND HORIZONS,” I painted a picture that could be interesting if hung and viewed in any of its four directions…depending on one’s mood. So I painted images to be discovered from any angle.

By now you may know that when you look at any of my paintings, they are not always just what they first appear to be — you may want you to look for more to be revealed. I will be excited to learn of your reactions and interpretation…and, just in case you want to know where my head and heart was during its ‘birthing’ process, read my poem and follow the CLUES!

I hope you will enjoy the journey into my mind and soul — colored, of course, by my imagination.


~ Kim

PS. Hannah and I changed the painting at the top of my Facebook page. It is part of one of my new pastels and a good example of my surrealistic style. Try seeing if you can find something that is not only what it appears to be!

Have fun with it!!!

Private Exhibition in Palm Springs

My best friend, Sue Cameron, and John Monahan, the owner of an exquisitely exclusive art gallery, invited the most important residents of Palm Springs for a private exhibition. Kim explained a few of her paintings to the rapt audience. “What you first see is not necessarily the story,” said Kim. “I always put hidden objects in my paintings and and you need to look at them for a long time to get the messages. My art is everything to me. I rarely have chosen to part with any of my originals. They are my children.”

Kim did sell one of her original oil paintings for $25,000 before she returned home to the Rogue Valley, Oregon.

Kim Novak with friend Sue Cameron and John Monahan, Palm Springs art gallery owner
Kim Novak with best friend Sue Cameron and John Monahan, Palm Springs art gallery owner


Kim Novak explains her paintings at a private exhibition in Palm Springs
Kim Novak explains her paintings at a private exhibition in Palm Springs

New Giclee Prints Coming Soon!

In recent months, I have received inquiries about a number of paintings shown in my retrospective exhibition at the Butler Museum that are not yet available as giclee prints on my website. I have been on overload ever since that show! However, I wanted to let you all know that I plan to add new giclee prints, made from paintings included in my retrospective, to my collection. I hope to post them here on my website by the end of the year, but it could be in early January. Please keep an eye open for announcements here or on Facebook!

Pictures from My Retrospective Exhibition at the Butler Institute

I’ve returned from the Butler Institute of American Art and have some pictures from my retrospective to share with you. These photos are from the opening reception for “Kim Novak: An Iconic Vision,” a retrospective exhibition of nearly 100 pieces of my art at the Butler Museum on June 16, 2019. At least half of my works on display also had original poems I had written to accompany them.

The show continues through October 6 at the Butler Trumbull, located at 9350 East Market St., Howland, Ohio. The museum’s hours are Wednesday through Sunday, 11 am to 4 pm.

Many grateful thanks to my very special friend and photojournalist, Linda Solomon, for taking these photos!


Kim Novak Retrospective at Butler Museum

I want to share with you my good fortune at having been gifted a retrospective exhibition of my life’s artwork at BUTLER INSTITUTE OF AMERICAN ART in Ohio—famed for having the finest and largest collection of American impressionist  art.  I am sending almost 100 pieces to be on exhibit during their 100 year anniversary celebration – starting June 16 to October  2019. Wow!  This means so much more to me than any Hollywood award ever could, or ever would!

Needless to say this has consumed most all of my time of late.  I will try to send some pictures from the exhibit.  In the meantime, I’m enclosing a wood sculpted piece that I carved in the 1970s while  living in Carmel on the coast of Central California.  I call it “Gifts From the Sea to Me.”
Gifts From the Sea to Me - sculpture created by Kim Novak. Carved from driftwood when she lived at Gull House in Carmel in the 70s
Gifts From the Sea to Me – sculpture created by Kim Novak. You can see this piece along with Kim’s paintings in her retrospective exhibition at the Butler Museum.

PS ~ Please know how grateful I am to all of you who take your precious time to give me the gift of appreciation and inspiration. Although I do not respond in written word, know that you touch me to my very core—and keep me reaching out to you through my art!
