All posts by Hannah West

Kim’s Book is Back in Stock!

The Butler Institute of American Art made a second printing of “Kim Novak: Her Art & Life!” Kim’s book is back in stock on their website and available to purchase now.

Regular copies are $100 each and the signed bookplate edition is $140 each. If you don’t have a copy already or would like to share one as a gift this holiday season, get them now before they sell out again!

Wishing you all the best,

Kim Novak’s Life in Photos – People Magazine

This article, published on September 10, 2024, took some work to prepare for Kim’s website, and in the process we lost the ability to click the links in the article.  The text is also quite small. To view it full-size in a new tab, please click here. To view the original article on so that you can follow the links they included, please click here. On this page, you can scroll down the file with your mouse (or your finger on a trackpad or mobile device) until you reach the end, no need to click the page arrows.

2024-09-10 Kim Novak's Life in Photos - People Magazine