If you have questions about one of Kim Novak’s paintings or would like to be added to the list of people who would like to purchase her giclée prints when they again become available, please contact her business manager using the form below.
If you have questions about one of Kim Novak’s paintings or would like to be added to the list of people who would like to purchase her giclée prints when they again become available, please contact her business manager using the form below.
You are a role model for today’s modern woman. A pioneer! Thank you for that <3
Hi Kim! I’m a 20 year old classic movie fan who just wanted to express my appreciation for your work. I’ve known you through your movies, and now looking through your artwork here, I’m amazed! Thanks for all you do 🙂
Kim’s Paintings are beautiful. We are blessed to have such a gifted artist in our midst.
I find your art work and your poetry very beautiful and thought provoking. I’m 78 and trying to start painting. Seeing you painting inspires me to start and not fear what happens on the canvas. When I was a little girl I rode the lead diving horse in Atlantic City on its morning exercise. My dad a physical fitness buff was friends with the diving horse’s trainer. I was 4 years old and it was thrilling on early morning runs along the Atlantic City beach through the incoming low waves! To this day I still can feel the wind through my long hair.
Kim I am a 100% disabled vet. I don’t believe I can travel to Ohio.
Like I said before I would be interested in an original painting, not a print, in the $5000 range. All you have to do is pick it and send it. preferably animal art. I love horses or dogs.
Thank you for your inquiry, John. Kim does not sell her original art as she has bequeathed her entire collection to the Butler Institute of American Art. The best we can do for you is offer the prints you see on this website. Thank you for your interest in Kim’s art!
Dear Ms. West,
Is it possible for me to purchase a print of Ms. Novak’s The White Winged Messenger, as well as a print of her Man in the Moon (bird with halo)?
I’m so sorry. Kim’s decision to step away from selling prints was rather sudden. But at 88 years of age, she feels she needs to enjoy the rest of her life without the obligations and continual activity that this entailed.
However, another opportunity will come in due time. She is working out the details necessary for a representative to resume the sales of her prints after her passing. I’m sure no one wants to rush this! We just need to be patient while she lives out the rest of her life in peace.
I know it’s disappointing, but we thank you for your understanding. Please send an email to [email protected] and I will add you to a list of people who would like to know when Kim’s prints become available again.
Again, I am only interested in one of Kim’s paintings, not a print. I would prefer animals. Dogs or horses are my favorites.. I have a Great Dane and he likes original paintings also.
Love and Light,
John Novak
We’re sorry, but Kim has discontinued the sale of her prints and bequeathed all her originals to the Butler Museum of American Art.
Kim Novak’s paintings eloquently emanates from the core of her heart, mind, and soul. They are completely honest, naked, without a measure of the ‘make believe’ world she was a part of for years. There is no artistic manipulation to impress others.
Each one seem to project a symbolic and personal catharsis; be it for suppression or acceptance of her blues; conversely, they oftentimes loudly exclaim her ecstasy at a given period. They’re not unlike the manic highs of a soaring spirit, or the despair of it when in the depth of depression. Some made my heart feel like a shot of adrenalin had hit it, racing in ecstatic euphoria; while others seemed to shake my very soul into some surreal sense of simpatico with her.
Her paintings, to me, simulate the integrity of how she immersed herself into the unforgettable characters roles she reflected on film. She became those characters. Authenticity reflects both her film career and her art. AT 79. I’m still’ in love’ with this beautiful and uniquely talented human being.
“ Resisting Temptation,” “The Ecstasy and Agony of Healing,” and “ Self Portrait, ” are among those I’d love to own. Her artistic genius causes me think of the words written by Keats, in Endymion: ” A thing of beauty is a joy forever: its loveliness increaes; it shall never pass into nothingness.
Through the magnificent beauty of her art, Kim Novak’s own innate beauty will never cease to be seen and savored by those who’ve been visually and vicariously able to touch her through the films of her once ‘make believe’ life in Hollywood. I’m delighted she has followed her true passion in expressing WHO she is to this world.
Thank you, Kim Novak.
What beautiful expression and colour throughout your paintings Kim. Its not hard to feel what you felt when you painted them because your intent comes through so clearly. Maybe different to individual people but very personal and relatable nonetheless. I feel that you give a lot of yourself away in each painting much like you did in your films. I’ve enjoyed them all for years but each Christmas I wait for Bell,Book and Candle and never get tired of watching it again. I had a Siamese Cat growing up and his name of course was Pyewacket! I think most of us struggle to keep on level ground no matter who we are and we are a product of the family we grew up in. That can mean challenges mentally that take a lifetime to figure out if we ever do. You are a wonderful lady. Great actress who put yourself totally into all your films and such a talented artist as well. So many sides to such a fascinating person and the life you’ve lived. I’m a true admirer. Congrats on all your talents
Is “Horse Heaven “ available for purchase? If so what are the dimensions and asking price please?
You can find the print of Kim’s painting, “Horse Heaven,” here: https://www.kimnovakartist.com/kim-novak-art-for-sale/#horseheaven It measures 12″ x 16″ and the price is $300.
I love the colors and textures in your artwork, but most of all, the depth of character revelation in your portraits. That you have kept on creating through so many losses in your life is a true testament to your spirit. I don’t know if you will like my saying this, but I feel like your interview with Robert Osborne was your greatest performance. It was certainly the greatest interview he has ever done, perhaps that anyone has done. You were so brave and full of charismatic, revelatory, and cathartic energy, you drew everyone into you, you created such a special experience. Your energy has tremendous dimensions. It would be wonderful if the right project came to you to act once more, knowing all you now know, I would love it. And I hope you do not feel badly about the Legend of Lylah Clare, I watched it many times as I was growing up, and it was pure delight each time. That it was campy is an attribute, not a negative. Only you could have played it that way. Consider it as a gift to young gay men… I’m sorry your husband is gone, you were so blessed to have the love you had with him. My guess is that you are able to find the healing you need. If not, let me know and I will help.
Your paintings are a reflection of you….beautiful and exquisite…I very much enjoy all your work,both on film and on canvas.
Wowl Beautiful artwork! I remember her telling the audience about this at the TCM film festival a few years ago, when Robert Osborne was still with us. But I forgot about and tonight TCM aired Vertigo, so I googled around about Kim and found these. Such amazing talent. I’d love to see an exhibition if we are ever allowed out again.
Just wanted to say how beautiful are these paintings!..Please let her know my grandchildren are fans of hers through the movies from Jean Eagles to Vertigo.My husband & I have always encourage older movie viewing,jazz & the arts with are children and now I have the pleasure of doing so with my grandchildren.I will never be able to afford one of your artwork but know you have opened up a whole nother avenue for us to explore rrgarding your work.
Matthew 6:9,10
Great paintings-my second visit to your collection-just saw Man with a Golden Arm-another example of you telling me-be yourself-be the best self you can be-Saw Vertigo a couple of years ago-wonderful truly-so this is my second note to tell you how important you are to my creativity-
by the way I am a songwriter-if you have lyrics I can write you a song-my style is mellow Cali reggae-my music name is Whispering Lion-my web site is up and available but I dont know how to respond- so use my email if you want to contact me. Be well Michael Z
Amazing paintings. Beautiful colors and awesome how you embed animals in the scene. Psychedelic. I think in “Self Portrait” you chose to have some creative license with your eye color. Your eyes do transition from brown on the outside to green on the inside….right? You have beautiful eyes that never change.
Ms Kim Novak, you are a wonderful artist.
I absolutely love all your paintings, and also your movies. You are such a wonderful actress too 💖
Dear Kim, I remember you before you became truly famous.
Do you remember The Flat Rock Playhouse in Flat rock North Carolina? Owners Robroy Farquar and Leona Farquar, children Keats and Robin? Tony Perkins was there, also Lee Marvin, etc.
I was a student there and always running around doing chores, ushering etc. I thought you were the most talented beautiful woman ever! And then you became SO famous! and an artist painter too! I have enjoyed following you in movies and now your beautiful gallery of art as well! Sending you many good wishes and blessings always. If you would like to keep in touch with me…please keep my email to respond. I am also an artist painter-designer.
To the one and only Kim Novak. Just wanted to say thank you for your art and the truely great films you made. To me and my family you were as great as anyone of the ladies that ever were on film. God bless. Tony
I found where I was finally, I’ll just say that I appreciate all that I have seen today as well as the movies if yours . You’ve been Great in what you’ve done and I like alot of people, like me have enjoyed what you’ve done and thank you.
Thank you Ms Kim for the entertainment you’ve given us and your love of pets, the arts and animals.
You were fabulous to see at the academy awards.
– I pray that bullies will one day become healed-
-David Barron, your fan from Los Angeles –
Beautiful ethereal images with a wonderful use of color. Very inspiring. Thank you!
Kim is so talented and pure in her heart & expressions in various forms of art media. I saw her film for the very first time last night, Vertigo, and thoroughly enjoyed her raw emotional portrayal of the characters. The duality & polarity of good and evil Did she really jump in the SF Bay – ocean, however? If so, that was brave beyond belief. Impressive film.
Thank you for your courage, and for sharing the inner you. You truly are a beautiful person, inside and out.
i would agree.
To the Beautiful Artist – Kim Novak,
Thank you for the many joys you have given so many, Your a delight to see, enjoy, I have always felt a true artist is artistic in what ever media he/she plays in. Your an excellent example, and in my quest to find what your up to while watching one of your movies, again….I see your excellent paintings….wow! Beauty, talent, brains, the gods did an amazing job with you! I have the pleasure of enjoying your many talents for many years.
I would love to send you one of mine. I’m a Professional artist NW of Portland, I could send you pictures and let you pick something or make you something special, I work in mostly Clay for over 30 years, (but I should go back to my first love too).
I just want to thank you for your talent, true pure talent. Your beauty is breathtaking still, and while I rarely am impressed with “artists” you certainly are impressive. Few are born with it, as a self taught artist I can appreciate.
Thank you, from all of us, thank you; So Much!
Wow, My favorite actress and animal lover now my favorite painter.
Love your painting – Finding My Way.
I did a similar set of photos with a friend, Cat Calloway, April last year in Vernonia, but this one painting seems to say everything I was trying to say in my series of photos.
Exceptionally well done. 😉
Kim’s art is brilliant and wonderful.
Dear Kim –
My father was an executive at Universal Studios in the 60’s and 70’s. He knew how much I wanted to meet you and arranged for me to go to Western Costume while you were being fitted for a film with Clint Walker. I spent the day there and you were so amazing to me – a silly 17 year old girl. The memories of that day are still so vivid. I have worked with celebrities throughout my career and none have been as precious and dear as you! I am friends with our mutual buddy, Tippi Hedren. As you know, she adores you. You are such a beautiful and talented artist…. thank you for all that you have contributed to this work, dear Kim!
My wife Linda purchased one of your paintings – Horse Heaven=
Hunka Hunka for me as a Christmas present. I absolutely love it. You are truly a talented artist. We thank you for sharing your talents with others. After I retired from the Federal Government I worked part time at The Ringling Museum of Art in Sarasota, FL. I saw many paintings and yours are top rate in impressionism and expressing your feelings. Keep up the excellent work. We plan to purchase another painting in the near future as soon as we figure out which one will complement Hunka Hunka and where we will display them.
Richard N. Kurent
Ms Novaks paintings are gorgeous..
Bob Brejcha Jr.