If Only, 30 x 36 oil on canvas by Kim Novak ©2020


Gallery of Kim Novak’s Paintings

Click on any image to view a large, uncropped version of Kim Novak’s original paintings.

Limited edition fine art prints of Kim Novak’s paintings are not offered for sale at this time. This may change in the future. If you are interested in purchasing Kim’s prints, please send an email to [email protected] and we will add you to our notification list. We will contact you when and if we begin selling prints again.

144 thoughts on “Gallery”

  1. I enjoy your paintings! The colors R beautiful & frightening @ the same time. Leaving me feel like I’m looking N2 a storm of threatening weather of wind or cyclone 🌀! There is so much emotion that lies beneath them entangled that I think @ times I understand only 2 B confused again. My favorite is Devotion. I guess because my daughter rode & enjoyed them. I couldn’t ride but fed & took care of them. They became my therapist @ times! Seemingly loving me backor as much as they could. My opinion as such, N my unprofessional capacity, is that Ms Novak is talented. I feel that she is able 2 put her feels & emotions very vividly on canvas N such a way that that energy is transferred 2 the minds eye of those who seek 2 understand what she is creating! But we can only hope 2. They have an indefinite amount of meaning N them!!

  2. MS. KIM,
    I Think your paintings are so lovely. I just finished watching a movie with you an Frank S. Love all your work. Wishing you many happy returns.
    Valerie Woody

  3. God Bless You Marilyn. May you find peace and tranqility. Your art is superb. Regards, L Griffis

  4. I’m an old fan of yours and followed your career through the media — some of which was not kind, but we took the best road and enjoyed your performances.
    I really like your paintings displayed on your web page. Impressive actually.
    Wishing you the best and happy things in your life’s work.

  5. Dear Kim Novak,
    I recently saw a film about you and was impressed that you had the power to leave Hollywood and not falling into the image trap of blonde stars.
    And the best, you were following your own star of destiny – painting and being free.
    And you are a very talented painter. The colors remind me of Renoir.
    All the best for you and your way of art,
    Harald Brumberg from Germany.

  6. So many hard things you had to endure in your life but I can tell from looking at your paintings that you are ok and safe within. That makes me happy. I like living my life freely too. Enjoy all that you can.

  7. Dear Ms. Novak, Thank you for sharing your gift. It speaks to me on a myriad of levels. I am touched, inspired, surprised by the sharing of intimate knowledge of the self, shocked, relieved, afraid, delighted and experience many other aspects of the naked but true inner self. It takes more than talent to create and then display your art. It takes a profound courage and steely determination demanded to stem the tide against the Blitzkrieg of public opinion that will surely come. The philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer once said that, “talent hits a target no one else can hit; Genius hits a target no one else can see.” Because of the luminous quality of your art that yet still holds with a measure of mystery; I am reminded of Mr Schopenhauer’s legitimate observation. Best wishes to you and many thanks.

  8. so very beautiful Ms. Novak. your talents are extraordinary, and your self portrait is hauntingly beautiful.

  9. Happy Birthday Kim! Sending you love on this day and always. Thank you for inspiring all of us with your art. We are all deeply grateful to you.

    Angie x

  10. HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY! Loved your films and love your art. You are an inspiration to so many. I pray you’re doing well and enjoying your time on earth. I’m sure the heavens above will one day be delighted to share your love.

    1. Dear Kim,
      I have really enjoyed your art! The vibrant beautiful colors, subject and design. Beautiful! You are a true artist!
      From a sister art enthusiast!

      I have also enjoyed your film work. You are a sensitive soul I have seen most of your work. Such talent. As an actress I’m sure you were under much pressure from different directors. It was always easy to recognize good direction. You have always been a wonderful actress.

  11. I’m from Italy. When I was a little girl, my uncle who was a great fan of your films, and of your magnetic beauty, used to take me to the cinema. Me too appreciated your unconventional artistic characters, so much similar to ours. My uncle was a fine designer who had worked for a daily newspaper for some time, and later i became graphic designer in London. Now my uncle is no more on this planet, while i still survived the global madness of the recent times. I appreciate also your paintings, because they remind me of my favourite element: air in all its shades.
    Thank you for still existing.

  12. Happy Birthday, Ms. Novak! I’m so inspired by your poetry and artwork, and would love to see your paintings in person one day. Hope you are creating and making beautiful art, and having a lovely day! Take care.

  13. Happy Birthday Kim 💖 Your art is so magnificent and inspiring. Thank you with all my heart for sharing it with us💗 Wishing you all the best for today and always💗✨

  14. I woke up this morning with your hummingbird painting image in my mind. It is one of my favorites of your paintings. I love your art work. I miss the idea of being able to purchase some.

        1. Kim is no longer selling prints of her paintings. As she approaches 90 years of age she has decided she would rather live the remainder of her life without the substantial obligation that business required. If you like, we can add you to a notification list in the event this changes.

          1. I watched Vertigo again yesterday and was pleasantly surprised to see your wonderful artwork. Truly fascinating. My life has been photography but circumstances change and now I’ve joined the Railway! But you/your work has inspired me to paint. Not sure what, I suppose whaever comes to my mind. Wishing you health & happiness, Charles x

          2. I would love to own one of Kim’s prints. I have been a big fan of her as an actress and artist painter. We share several things in common being of Czech descent and growing up in Chicago. I hope she will resume selling her prints so that they can bring joy to more fans and collectors.
            Thank you!

          3. “Hello please send Miss Novak my love. I am saddened that she is no longer.. painting. I understand totally..she has lived a very long and extremely blessed life. She will always remain one of my top 10 of motion picture actresses of all time.

          4. Hi Gigi, thank you for your heartfelt comment. Please be assured that Kim is not giving up her art! She’s still painting, she just had to step back from selling the prints because it was taking so much time from a life that keeps her very busy with her art & poetry, horses & dogs, and enjoying life without any obligations. If you would like me to add you to her print notification list, I’ll be happy to notify you when her prints again become available.

  15. Hello. I am blown away at seeing your art in your gallery. Your work is fantastic beyond belief. I am in awe of your use of color. What a treat to come upon after learning that you are an Artist. You just changed me. Can’t wait to turn everyone on to it! Be well!

  16. Congratulations, your ability as a painter is remarkable.

    Now when watching your films one knows one is watching an artist acting, which is quite rare, it is a shame that sexist attitudes didn’t allow you to explore the roles you wanted to explore, it is our loss.

    All the best for the future

  17. I was looking up something, when I stumbled on Osborne’s his interview of you.
    If, we were sitting down at the Barnyard I would compliment your acting. I had have a saying when I played sports; “when you play with the best; you are the best.”
    Your painting reflects an intensity of life. Your perception of life are revealed first to yourself, and now you have opened yourself to all. This time, a singular giving of me, myself and I. And, again, you have made yourself vulnerable.
    Let me say, thankful
    I too have always loved animals; their unconditional love.

  18. Surprising work and lovely, so interesting. Your practice is long! I too cannot part with my paintings, they feel like part of me. A family land full of discovery and memory of love and deep confidences. 💗 all the best to you, dearest Kim Novak.

  19. Stunning artistry and depth!
    The entire experience of like minds converging,
    no matter if between human, or animal or nature itself.
    Your message is delivered well!
    Beautifully shared!

  20. LOVED this interview! Nothing artificial here!
    You were so believable in your films because you were not “acting” the parts , you “became” the characters. Most actors do not have that sincerity and perception. It can’t be taught.
    I agree with what you said about the canvass being like a stage without a director and with no other characters to deal with. You are the sole director of the emotions that go onto that canvass. Your art certainly provokes many thoughts and feelings. I completely understand why you do not want to part with your paintings. I would love to admire them in a gallery however.
    Also.. your animals are sooooooo sweet!
    Lise Gagnon

  21. When I watched your TMC interview today, I saw some of your black and white work. It made me think of Henry Fonda and his paintings. I like the black and white, whether it’s charcoal, pencil, or watercolor, hard to tell. It’s drawing, and if you have some, you should post it.
    Get your Trump check yet? That rascal…..

  22. Happy Birthday Kim!

    You are a remarkable artist and I thank you so much for sharing your beautiful art. Thank you also for all your work in movies, your performances are cherished.

    You are very inspiring, I greatly appreciate your courage. I send my love to you and your family.

    Angie x

  23. Hello Kim I am enamored by you as a actress but now more over for this wonderful gift as a artist expressing herself touches my very inner heart and soul. “Rainbow Voices” speaks volumes of the Human condition, love the your use of color and the phasing of the silhouettes. “Finding My Way” we all have been there standing with uncertainty . You are amazing the way you captured the fleeting images in the now and the paths and things that lay ahead. My favorite is “In the Canyons of My Mind ” from the color contrast and images that is the now, the past, the present, the future, and the mind thinking ALL. Thank you very much Kim Novak! You are beyond Amazing to me! Grace and Peace be with you Kim.

    1. Hello Carolyn, thank you for your question. If you visit Kim’s Limited Edition Prints page you will find top quality fine art giclee reproductions of her paintings available for purchase. It is extremely rare for Kim to let go of any of her originals, and she has written a statement regarding this you can read on that page, as well.
      Hannah West,
      Kim’s Webmistress

    1. Kim.
      Your Mandela is so warm and all of your work shows the love that you are able to express. Please stay happy and healthy. I enjoyed every movie that I saw you in.

  24. I’ve watched and admired your acting for many years but only recently discovered that you’re also an excellent artist. My very best to you and all that you love.

  25. Dearest Kim,
    Your Art is so beautifully Aquarian!! Your whole World of living so lovingly shows where your heart is. The deer, Lama, the Forest and Woodlands, the sky and planets show how Uranus+ it’s many moons spin endlessly through the galaxy of your Gallery. How I wish I was a Butterfly in your Garden. Or a bird singing on a branch, or your tree’s dancing in the wind. Your artwork allows me to benefit from all the joys of nature. Thank-you Kim Novak!.
    Thanks for sharing your heavenly world.🐱🦄🦌🐈 I hope to meet you someday. Stay young with joy and bliss.

  26. Dear Ms. Novak,
    Over the years I have greatly enjoyed your work in films. Today I had the unexpected pleasure of finding this website. Thank you so much for sharing your paintings and poetry with the world. Your work is so impressive. I am especially fond of “Deja Vu,” “Finding the Way Back Home,” “Horse Heaven,” and “In My Mother’s Arms.” Blessings to you, and my best wishes for good health and happiness!

  27. I vividly recall a painting which appeared in the film “Bell Book & Candle”. It is that of a cat which resembles Gillian’s Familiar and is shown on the wall of her apartment during the scene were Shep is making a call to report trouble on his phone line. Have often wondered if it was a Novak which was displayed as a set piece.

  28. Please allow me to sign you guestbook as a viewer of your paintings.
    Of course we are studying your film online this week in a film course given by Ball State University and TCM on Hitchcock and I was curious. I’m glad your art is modern in a realist way- I live in the same building as one of Warhol’s actors (Chelsea Girls) and wish him well when he walks by, but I see something more connected to the seventies in your work than the abstract moderns, more like an album cover.
    I’m in Boston and grew up on the Atlantic, which is rocky. If your ever here, be sure to visit Rockport, which was an art colony.

  29. Grace and style not found in today’s world . A true Artist. You grace the screen with beauty and style never to be seen in Hollywood again. A time, I miss, A time, when we all were whisked away to another world in a movie. I find that beauty and that grace in your art. Visions of what you see planted onto a canvas. You are a treasure of American art. God Bless you ! Thank you for the many years ofHappiness and beauty you shared with us all !

  30. I watched your movie Boy’s Night Out and they mentioned that you had an art website that I just had to check out. I would say your style shows influences of William Turner’s whirlwinds of color. Making art is a great way to know your real self better.

    You clearly are not just another pretty face, like many of your contemporaries in the movie business. There was an intelligence and sense of humor shining through those eyes and smile that elevated you above the dumb sexy blonde stereotype. It’s good to see that you didn’t self-destruct like Marilyn, and used the movie business instead of letting it use and destroy you.

  31. I believe it was during the 1950’s when they showed the movie “Picnic” aboard the ship I was stationed on when I was just a young lad in the navy. I do believe it was then I fell in love with you when I saw you dancing with William Holden and wished that could be me.
    What a wonderful actress you are, and such a gracious lady you continue to be.
    Thank you for making so many of our days.
    Sincerely, Glenn Rice

  32. While watching the memorium for Robert Osborne, I once again saw your wonderful chat with him…..I have a better insight to your artwork which resonates with me……while appreciating you as an actress it’s the paintings…..as a horse lover, animal lover I certainly understand your current lifestyle….so beautiful one a chedule of your showings would really be appreciated. Thanks

  33. Hello Kim,

    I found out about your art this weekend while I have been watching TCM’s tribute to Robert Osborne. I was lucky to see the interview that he did with you in 2013. You were so raw and heartfelt. I admire you. I have always liked you and your movies. My favorites being, “Picnic”, “Bell, Book & Candle”, “Middle of the Night” (very realistic) and one that Robert Osborne didn’t mention, “Moll Flanders”. No matter the role, you were always natural. Looking at your art, it’s emotional and a person can tell that. I especially loved, “Self Portrait”. It goes so deep, the expression. I liked the “Vertigo” montage. “Finding My Way”, I knew right away what that painting was saying. The steps, the suitcase and the breeze blowing the skirt of the dress. I identified with that because I have been trying to find my way too. You are a beautiful lady and thank you for your many talents!

  34. love your art Kim and your acting….what a beautiful person you are….thank you for sharing you with us …Julie Ruston – Toronto Canada

  35. I was not aware that you was such a talented artist, I have a few cousins that are artist’s one that is know by name Ad Reinhardt born in Buffalo, N.Y. in 1913 another lives n Ulm, Germany and one in Vilnius, Lithuania.

  36. I love all of your movies especially Bell, Book and Candle! Your artwork is just beautiful with magnificent colors! Hannah West is my daughter and when I’m visiting with her again I would love to meet you.
    Love and Light,

  37. Kim Some Trivia,
    I just wanted to mention that the house built during the filming of Strangers When We Meet was for sale at 6 million last year. Ernie Kovacs in the movie at breakfast with Kirk Douglas (the architect) asked him not go over 100k to design and build the house.
    Best Regards,

  38. Hi Kim,
    Your art is wonderful and your life seems even more wonderful.
    I can’t believe I’m writing to you. I was dating Stanley Jaffe whose father was an executive at Columbia pictures when you were under contract. I was the president of your fan club, and lived in New Rochelle. Stanly got me the invitation to visit you on the set of Middle of the Night in Queens somewhere. I watche you film for a day and was so much a fan of yours that when you left the set for the day I stole the back of your chair with your name on it and took my souvenir home. I told everybody you gave it to me. I wish I still had it because I would give it back to you.
    I recently watched two films you did that I loved. The Eddy Duchin Story and Strangers When We Meet. You were great in those films. I heard you didnt think so, but you are very wrong.
    It’s really so wonderful that your life turned out the way you really wanted it to, and now in the last few years getting back to your film star life in just the right way. I wish I could have been in San Franciso this past weekend. I can’t wait to read about it.
    I live in New York City and am also creative. I am President and owner of a high end home furnishing company. Please checkout my Websie http://www.lawrenceessentials.com. I hope to meet you someday maybe when I visit my clients in Portland Oregon, The Ann Sacks Co. Be well and keep loving life…..

  39. Happy New Year, Kim! Love your work. If you ever want to exhibit in Troutdale, Oregon (Gateway to the Columbia River Gorge), please let us know. We are the Troutdale Art Center in a growing arts community that includes Gary Fenske’s gallery with art by Tony Curtis and Red Skelton. http://www.fenskegalleries.com/artists/
    We are a no-commission gallery, and it would be very cool to feature your work on a First Friday event!

  40. Ma’am,

    Much like another poster mentioned previously, I watch Bell, Book, and Candle every year this time of year, and I think you are brilliant in it. I discovered that you paint and your paintings are so full of color! They are wonderful! I hope you and your family had a good Thanksgiving and thankyou for always creating art(whether on screen or in oil)!

  41. I had to write to let you know that you’re more than an artist with a brush, you’re an artist on the big screen as well.

    Your beauty, in and out, projects itself, on canvas as well as in you acting.

    You’re a lady of beauty, imaging, and one to look up to.

    You’re well admired, not only for your acting or for your paintings, but for who you are. A strong, beautiful person.

    Love, Linda

  42. Good evening, we will be happy to host our events in the Works of Kim Novak for the occasion would be our free guest in Italy
    Best regards
    Maria Grazia Todaro
    Art Director QueenArtStudio

  43. Dear Ms. Novak,
    What an afternoon it’s been! I brought out my copy of the movie, Bell, Book and Candle to watch with my daughter once she got off work, while waiting I decided to see if you were connecting with your Fans on social media… I am so happy to have found the link to your art. After looking and admiring your pieces, I shared with my friends on Twitter and Pinterest. Beautiful and meditative, Kim… I especially love the color that you’ve used in several pieces.
    Wishing you all the best!

  44. I recent purchased “Self Portrait.” It came in a canister which I did not open until I was at the framer’s. Coincidentally, when he unrolled it, we both said the same thing, “Gorgeous.” Interestingly, neither of us was talking about the beautiful woman depicted in the painting. Rather, we were talking about the work of art. It’s mesmerizing. The more you look at it the more you see. And the more you ponder. What has made her both happy and sad? Why is it that I see kindness and strength in those hypnotic eyes? Despite dark tones, I see hope and determination and know that this woman will triumph. And then you remember that it’s Kim Novak. And that triumph is exactly what she did and continues to do.

    1. Hello Ralph,

      You made a beautiful purchase. The self portrait is one of my favorites that I found on Ms. Novak’s website. I know that this was a few years ago, but I have been watching the TCM tribute for Robert Osborne this weekend and was lucky enough to see the interview that he did with Kim Novak. She was so raw and heartfelt and a very deep person. I’ve always liked and admired her. Such beauty.

    2. Hello Ralph,

      You made a beautiful purchase. The self portrait is one of my favorites that I found on Ms. Novak’s website. I know that this was a few years ago, but I have been watching the TCM tribute for Robert Osborne this weekend and was lucky enough to see the interview that he did with Kim Novak. She was so raw and heartfelt and a very deep person. I’ve always liked and admired her. Such beauty.

  45. Dear Kim,

    I found your website through Richard McKinley’s blog. What wonderful expressive work!



  46. Dear Kim~
    I am writing to tell you what a talented artist you are! Your paintings are beautiful, colorful depictions of the simplicities and complexities of life…forever entwined. My mother encouraged me to visit your website after enjoying your exhibit at the Butler Art Institute in Youngstown, OH, where she is a docent. I am grateful that I have viewed your creations as they will inspire me to return to painting myself.
    Take care of yourself, keep painting and be sure to continue SMILING from deep within…
    Christine Drake
    Dayton, OH

  47. Dearest Kim,
    I love your artwork. It stirs and awakens my emotions. I also want to thank you for taking a stand on bullying. You are playing a very significant role in eradicating violence on the planet. You are strong and brave! We all are deserving of a fearless life.

  48. Outstanding work. You are to be congratulated for providing images of your fine art work for others to admire. I retired after teaching Art for 38 years and am currently teaching an art class for a group of Senior Citizens at the Meridian, Idaho Senior Center. They (and I) would be thrilled if you would allow me to make copies for them to see and for me to use as a teaching tool.
    I hope that you have time to reply to my request.
    Carl Goodwin

  49. I love this body of work. So whimsical and magical! I’m beginning to play with pastels and am inspired by this. Thank you!

    with love and blessings!

  50. Dear Ms. Novak,
    I love your paintings! I like the way you describe your method, and I admire your imagination. Hunka Hunka is my favorite — partly because I work with and adore horses and partly because Haflingers are one of my favorites. And if you’ve never met a Percherons, you must! They are so sweet, and when they put their huge faces right up to yours it’s a thrill! They love love and attention! I had a fabulous quarter horse named George when I was a kid. It’s very, very sad to lose them.
    I came across your link to this site from an online article about your appearance at the Oscars. Don’t let a few immature, insecure, ugly-toupee-wearing, pathetic dwids rattle your world. You have always been stunning and you still are stunning! Period! Hey, I’m 68 and you look at least ten years younger than me! (I’ve been working in the hot sun for over ten years now, since retiring.) So, “Illigitamy non-carborendum!” My husband and I have been big fans of yours and of Mr. Kovak’s for most of our lives. Thank you for sharing your talents, both in acting and painting. You will always be greatly admired by millions of people.
    Yours truly, Carolyn Clark

  51. Dear Ms. Novak, Your artwork is by far some of the most exquisite that I have ever seen; it is this wonderful combination of ethereal, rainbows and fantastmogorical all in one breath; your depth of vision is amazing; while you are a fabulous actress for sure, your artwork is just as terrific; revel in your talent; you own those rights! Thank-you for sharing your stunning abilities; your work should be hanging at the Met or Guggenheim, etc in NYC; get your work over here, please! smile here…Thank-you, Shari

  52. Kim, your paintings are very expressive a wonderful extension of yourself. Enjoyed looking at them. My daughter is bipolar so I know what a struggle it can be. How great that you have art to express yourself. Thank you for this website. Diane

  53. I was named after you and I have always been very proud of that. You are so right about bullying it has gone too far. Some schools are cracking down on bullying but it’s never enough.
    Looking at your gallery has humbled me. Your a beautiful artist some of the paintings made me think of people in my life that would love this one or that one. They’re all beautiful. With sincere (warm) thoughts, Kim

  54. Kim Novak,

    You are a legend and speaking out make you even more of a legend.

    Your films and artwork are expressions of how talented you are.

    I have been a fan for many years.
    Stay healthy and don’t let the ugly people tear you down.

    Mrs. Shirley Kraft

  55. Kim-

    I just want to say that you are a very talented woman. Your art is beautiful and you have given the world so much. Thank you for sharing your gifts. I appreciate you standing up to the bullies in Hollywood. It is an awful and unnecessary way to treat people. May you always know you are beautiful, and may you find peace and love in your art.



    My favorite painting is the Magic of Music…just beautiful!

  56. Love you Kim, always thought your acting was great! Loved Bell, Book and Candle. Loved you as an example of a progressive female. Wish I could afford your art, it is equal to your acting ability. GOD bless!!

  57. I am proud of you for standing tall against the people throwing nasty comments so recklessly and uncaringly into your face via the electronic social network. I don’t understand the meaness that so many people these days seem to consider normal and acceptable. Well, it is not acceptable to me, either. However, if you hadn’t released your letter of rebuke, I would not have seen nor would I have followed the link to your art website. So, something good resulted (for me) in the long-run, because I enjoyed your paintings so much. You are talented and your paintings and poetry are very much like the “you” I perceived as you inhabited the roles you created in the movies we all enjoyed…….a gentle, whimsical and kind woman searching for the compassion and passion of a good life, truthfully at peace with nature. You are and have always been gorgeous on the outside, but I think you must be quite beautiful on the inside, too, and that is so much more important in the scheme of life! Thank you for your gifts.

  58. Dear Kim, I feel so ashamed of myself. I have never really cared for your acting as I watched your movies. And yet, when I see these paintings, I am amazed and awed by your depth of feeling and insight! I have never been able to put my own feelings or thoughts on canvas, try as hard as I might. But you have been able to not only express your sensitive and wondrous insight but you have been able to allow it to release your inner beauty. Thank you for sharing your marvelous talents and insightful images. Love, Susan

  59. Your paintings reveal another beautiful piece of you. You are just as beautiful as ever, inside and out.
    I immensely enjoyed your fims. I was intrigued by the ethereal
    presence that came across on the screen. And it does so in your paintings.

  60. You are a wonderful painter!–and ever since I saw Picnic and Bell, Book, and Candle you are also one of my favorite actresses. I just wanted to let you know 🙂


  61. I came to this site from a release about Kim’s statement of how poorly she had been treated at the Oscars. I’m disgusted as well that people would treat such an amazing woman so disrespectfully.

    I did not know Kim is an artist. I’ve never seen art anything quite like this……looking at it makes me feel like a little girl again in my beautiful fantasy of how, in my innocence, I pictured the world back then……….and when I look at her pictures, I am that little girl again. I am totally engrossed in the depth of insight that she has–how she pictures life and accentuates its beauty through beautiful colors and line……like someone who can write a song and re-create another’s emotions of life from the words. She shows amazing vision in her pictures that I’ve never seen anywhere else. What a treasure you are Kim! What a blessing and inspiration you are to us!

  62. Ms. Novak, you are very talented. I enjoyed looking at your art work. Although I could never afford your paintings I so enjoyed them.

    Sandy K

  63. I was so impressed with you during your presentation — you look amazing for 81 (I’m 76 and I have many friends that do not come close to you). What I noticed most was your smile — you have an artist’s smile. My wife and I lived in Santa Barbara during the late ’60s and early 70’s and were friends with some artists there. Their true natures showed in their faces. When I saw you during the awards I wondered if you were an artist in a way other than acting. I found your website after a search. Ignore the idiots. I know a lot of rich losers. Draw on! Mark T

  64. Just wanted you to know I found great enjoyment, comfort, and peace, viewing your gallery. I’m glad you have an outlet that brings you joy. SJA, West Virginia!

  65. You are a most remarkable Artist.
    You have so much beauty within.
    You are full of life. And I enjoyed looking at all your Extraordinary Paintings. You are truly an Artist in every sense.

  66. I believe your artwork is absolutely stunning. It is not in my budget at this time but I am super impressed. Your work touches my heart!

  67. Beautiful works of art! If I could afford to, I would buy every one. Also, we should all be so lucky to look as good as you do at 81 Kim. Peace and love to you.

  68. You have always been one of my favorite actors. I believe I’ve seen every movie you’ve made, at least all those released to the public. I also recently caught your interview on TCM and thoroughly enjoyed it…..you’re such a lovely lady with so much beauty and talent. Up until now, I had no idea you were a painter! Luckily, I stumbled across this website. You have quite a touch, Kim and a very expressive hand. I admire your work as an actor and as a fine visual artist also. I think my favorite work on your website is “Looking Back To See Ahead”…..a very touching and haunting piece rendered in exquisite pastels and underpainting. I am of course also partial to your “Self Portrait”….those killer eyes. Wow!!! I wish you all the success in the world with your art and your life, Kim. My best to you and your husband (that lucky rascal). Warm regards, Dave Dunville

  69. I love your art work! It’s beautiful! My daughter used to teach art (elementary education) and I bet she would like this too.

  70. Enchanting images. As a children’s librarian, I would love for you to do a children’s book. Maybe you’ve already been thinking about it? 🙂

  71. I am so happy to see what you have done with your life because I was a “big” fan of yours as a teen ager. Your a very talented artist and your paintings are great.
    I have seen all of your movies and back then I read every article ever printed about you.
    I remembered you were very shy and so was I so I do understand why you left the movie kingdom. I remember that you loved lavender and your favorite song was little things mean a lot. I remember because it was mine too.
    I’m so happy that you found someone to understand you and share your life with.
    Is there an art studio where your paintings can be seen? Anyway, enjoy your talent as well as the rest of your wonderful life. I’m just so happy you were able to address the bullies!

    Joan Espsoito

  72. Dear Kim, Many years ago you were an actress at the Flat Rock Playhouse, Flat Rock North Carolina.
    Robroy Farquar and his wife Leona Farquar ran the summer playhouse. They had two children robin and Keets. My Dad was a dear friend of Robroy and often took me with him to the playhouse. That is where I met you, and you became my life long actress to admire so much. I was a teen ager back then. My Dad was a leading actor in some of Robroy’s productions. I hope one day that I can meet you again. You are as always a beautiful lady to be admired. Warmest good wishes to you and your wonderful art. Always, Carole Munshi

  73. Hello Ms. Novak.

    I really love your paintings and each of the accompanying stories. You are such a talented artist! I’m also a fellow artist/interior decorator. You have sooo many gifts– your sensitive nature, your acting abilities, your artistic vision and your skills to create paintings and pastels to interpret and manifest that vision. Add to all of that your courage and conviction to stand up for yourself and others who have been bullied by hateful, small-minded individuals with mean-spirited things to say. Some insecure and immature people need to tear others down in order to build themselves up. It’s wrong and hurtful and those people should be called out so that it ceases to be acceptable behavior. You stepped up to do just that and I truly admire you for it! Many of my Heros are those who have stood up to fight injustice in the world. You are a Hero to me and to so many others. You are beautiful inside and out. You are talented, smart, loving, kind, compassionate and strong. I hope you never forget that. I won’t. 🙂

    Love & (((Hugs)))
    Karen Amore-Mueller
    Southern California Artist, Wife & Mom

  74. Dear Kim Novak,
    First, I want to say that I applaud you for speaking out against the bullies. you have a right and the law of the heart to do as you wish. They are small people who enjoy hurting others. You will always look beautiful, inside and out, to me.
    Your paintings made me mainly smile and feel deep happiness and longing for something I can’t express. Some brought tears to my eyes remembering something I had forgotten. You still have something inside you that we lose when we become adults. It’s a special gift that children have. They see the miracles around them that most adults cannot see anymore. you are able to still do that. To me, the world can be a very hard place to live in because of so much insensitivity and cruelty. Artists such as yourself give one such as myself the truth of the power of love, the appreciation of the wonder around us that we overlook, and the magic that exists that we do not see. The touch and strokes of your brush reach my heart within. The tenderness within the eyes of each creature, the birds, dogs, horses, the old man, the young girl, and in your self-portrait is astounding. The bullies can’t do what you are doing in art.
    They lost their magic a very long time ago. You will never lose your gift. I thank you for allowing me to view your art.
    Frances Trudy Paine

  75. Dear kim,
    I really like your paintings & I find the nature & animal side very appealing as I love animals & I hate cruelty.I like horse riding very much & ornithology.I also of course like your films & since I am really into anything 18th century,one of my favourite films is The amorous adventure of Moll Flanders.I am from England but I live in Hungary & I have seen the states.You are very lucky tohave so much talent aswell as being a lovely lady.
    Happy Easter,

  76. I always thought kim novak was talented and beautiful. Wow what an accomplished artist an extra talent I discovered about kim novak.

  77. Just read your reply about being bullying at the o awards and it is not right to treat anyone who have paid their dues in Hollywood.
    Love your art and I worked for your husband’s brother Tom for 12 yrs. offshore . Thanks for speaking out.

  78. The colors are wonderfully put together. Depicting great subjects of good things and feelings. I sense a deep positive feeling in most of the artwork.

  79. Dear Ms. Novak: What a wonderful, delightful time I’ve had looking at your beautiful artistic creations. As a watercolor/pastelist wannabe, I’ve been glued to each picture, looking at the blending of colors, overlay of colors, and emotions I felt looking at each picture in turn.

    I am so sorry that the idiots had to open their mouths and utter such hurtful and unkind garbage. I guess the Golden Rule has long died for some people.

    I just remember being delighted to see you presenting at the Oscars. Frankly, I thought you looked lovely.

    Thank you for these pictures. I only wish I could purchase the picture of your feet in the water …. it has a real meaning for me. However, being on a retiree’s income, guess I’ll just have to keep coming back to your site to see it.

    Keep on creating and good for you for your reprimand to the idiots.

    Sharon Jones in Albuquerque, NM.

  80. I read the article about you standing up for yourself and was impressed with your heart, I am an artist in New Orleans and was thrilled to find out that you had a web site where I could see your work. I love it. I love the subjects that you have chosen and the intense colors. I think my favorite is the Bird with the horses in its wings. It reminds me of a Phoenix, with the horses being the power that it rises with.
    You have recreated yourself from what people’s perception was, into the reality of who you truly are. You are an artist and no matter what medium you use it will always show your heart and spirit. I am thankful I found this page, your courage to reinvent your self and stand up to those that try to bully such a graceful Lady, is inspiring. Thank you. Kym
    p.s. I write poetry as well, and I love Liza, when I was young my grandmother called little Liza, she said I looked like her, I was a lot thinner then. lol 😉

  81. You are a beautiful person.
    Thank you for standing up to insensitivity.
    I am proud you speak of bipolar.
    Your soul has a voice in your paintings.
    Your paintings brought me to tears.
    My daughter was a sensitive beautiful soul who suffered at the hands of insensitivity and, in contrast, by her feeling so much empathy – she was bipolar and lived until age 22.

  82. Ms. Novak,

    Thanks for sharing you gift of painting and seeing the beauty in everything. Thanks also for standing up to bullies we’ve had bullies in our lives too. You helped us feel strong again in defending those of us that have been bullied. Hugs to you:)

  83. Having seen many of your films when they came out I am a huge fan. You were always spectacular. Having seen the quality of your paintings has truly moved me. Your work is not only pleasing in “technical expertise” but is very moving and powerful. Try not to let the insensitivity of Hollywood bother you. There are probably millions more who cherish you and your contributions to the art world in both film and art work.

  84. You are the most talented person I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. I love your truthfulness and openness. Keep up the painting they are truly awesome. We can see that you have put all of what you have been through and felt all of your life into your paintings.
    Take good care of yourself.

  85. Dearest Ms. Novak, you have given me so much pleasure with your films. And I am amazed at your other artistic talents. You’re beautiful, through and through. This art is a doorway to another world. I had No Idea you were such a talented artist like this. You’re gorgeous and you always will be, Beautiful Soul. I’m so glad to be on an earth that features YOU. You make it a better place to be. -your friend, Bethany

  86. Ms. Novak,

    I am sorry you were treated poorly during and following the Oscars relative to your appearance. I did not watch the show and was not aware of what had occurred. However it was an article in which you pushed back against the bullying that lead me to your art site. Your artwork is lovely. Thank you for sharing your artistic vision and also for not allowing others to succeed in their efforts to diminish you.

  87. I loved your movies as a young girl, especially Bell, Book & Candle, at 61, still remains a favorite today. I even named my first cat Piwaket in honor of the films namesake. Your art is lovely and thoughtful, and don’t let people shake your everlasting beauty and confidence with their thoughtless comments. Keep painting!

  88. You display a beautiful, majestic character in each of the extraordinary pieces of your art, I see your soul. Thank you for sharing. I would love to become friends with you and get to know you. I also think you were very gracious and showed awesome strength of character in your response to “don trump” (who doesn’t deserve my time by typing his entire name nor the respect of capitalization, ergo the ” ” around said name). Also as genuine as Ellen seems, I fully expect she will issue an apology. But you handled how the situation made you feel very well.

    Please take care, and always feel proud you protected and stood up for your self. 🙂

  89. Ms Novak, Thank you for sharing your wonderful gift of vision. Your art shows that you see life, the dark and the light, but mostly the light and oh what joy and lightness of being I felt getting lost in your paintings. You took me to places that I did not want to come back from. It was like Heaven has been described by those who have had near death experiences and seen what Heaven looks like trying to come back and describe to us.
    Only you already know. In your soul you “see.” God has blessed you with extraordinary gifts, and he must be so very proud of you for the way you have expressed them. Be well and thank you again from the bottom of my heart for sharing your art and your love. Rainelle McGuire

  90. Dear Ms. Novak,

    Good for you for pushing back against those who bully & poke fun at others!! It takes a helluva person to bully an 81-yr-old woman. You looked great at the Oscar Ceremony! There are three kinds of people in this world: There are great people who talk about new ideas, people with class who talk about things, & then there are those people who only talk about other people & most of the time it is in a negative light. It isn’t about who has the most $ & phony fame that matters most in this world, it is about beautiful people like you who are doing what you enjoy doing in life & making a living doing it.

    I’ve enjoyed looking at your paintings & learning more about you. You are a very talented artist to say the least. I saw Vertigo for the first time in the early 1980’s & I loved the picture! I was laid off from my job in corporate America six weeks ago after having been at the same nationally recognized brand for 16 years, so I have to hold off on purchasing one of your paintings for now but will definitely do so down the road!

    God Bless you!! Steve McKenzie Dallas, TX via my hometown of Omaha, NE

  91. Dear Ms. Novak:

    Your paintings are absolutely beautiful and so are you. I was broken-hearted to feel your pain caused by the evil ones in this world. As I enjoy my blessings of reaching another birthday, I too find it terrible that I can’t grow old gracefully without people peering into my pores and judging how I physically look at 53. Our society is downright cruel to those blessed with the gift of long life. It’s really a sick kind of thing in America. I commend you for licking your wounds. Congratulations, you stopped feeling sorry for yourself and got out there to be Kim Novak. You gave the ignorant some words of real wisdom. I can only hope to live at your age and look as great as you. I see true beauty and feel sorry for those that can’t.

  92. Dear Ms. Novak,
    I am so proud of you for speaking out against the bullying. You are thriving at 81 and your artwork is quite unique. Thank you for pressing on and taking risks.
    You are an amazing person, artist, actress.
    Yours in peace,
    Alice Lee Timmins, artist

  93. Ms. Novak, I have always known you are beautiful and talented, but until I saw your art I didn’t realize how talented. Your paintings are beautiful. You are a very accomplished artist. You will always remain one of my most favorite people. Thank you for all you have done to make our lives better.
    Judy Ward, Oklahoma City

  94. Every piece of work is fabulous but the one of the horses’ face laying down and the setter looking out the window just steals my heart.

  95. I did not know that you painted and stumbled upon your site after reading a story about the unkind remarks from your appearance at the Oscars. I thought you were wonderful! The only thing that matters is that you are happy with yourself and who you are as a person. Your soul comes through with your paintings and I feel you are content in life. You have such a wonderful talent as an artist and a whimsy with your paintings. I particularly liked your painting “They Danced Till Dawn.” It spoke to me out of all your paintings. The sun coming up and the fluidity of movement, love it. There is beauty in it as well as yourself. Peace, Linda

  96. Kim,
    Your words and artwork are so beautiful and meaningful…they are truly inspirational and touch the heart. Nature is so beautiful and you are so connected to it with your work. Thank you for sharing your gift of artistry.
    Southern California

  97. I have been a fan of Kim Novak for over 55 years. This is the first time I have seen her art, and it is awesome!!!

  98. I am 65, I paint too but could not compare with your work. What amazing talent! I have been a fan of your films since as long as I can remember. You are the most beautiful creature in side and out, and the depth of your feelings and sensitivity come through in your fantastic artwork! I wish I could just sit and watch you paint, be a fly on the wall. I too write. Bipolar is in my family very much as well. I am sending you a great big hug my dear! You are just magnificently creative and a most tender person. May God bless you always!

  99. Dear Ms. Novak
    I was so sorry to read of the disrespect paid to you by others (consider the source…) after the Oscars.
    However, had that not popped you onto my Yahoo page, I would have been deprived of viewing your gorgeous artwork.
    The universe certainly has a bizarre sense of humor, doesn’t it?
    I particularly enjoyed the painting of your Haflinger–my granddaughter just got her first horse, a 2 year old Haflinger gelding, so I am particularly tuned to both horses and that breed.
    I also felt an affinity for your dancing trees, and the birds hiding in your paintings.
    You are a wonderful artist, and clearly a blessed soul.
    be well and at peace
    Carol Busseau
    Eugene, Oregon

  100. I came to your art website after I read an article on Yahoo featuring the way you have stood up against everyone who attempted to bully you about your appearance. I had to leave work early today because of workplace harassment or bulling. Reading about how you stood up against all that would belittle you gave me hope. But I am not in such a position where that I can affect a much needed change in my situation. I am simply a worker being harassed, bullied and intimidated by a member of management at my work place. I am scared and feel completely alone. I have a family to support and too much debt to be without a job. I am very grateful to have read about your story and I thank you for being so brave to stand against those that would tear you down. I really like your paintings also. I hope your upcoming art exhibit is a success. Again thank you.

  101. kim,
    you are one of my favorite actresses and artists.
    i am a dear friend of charles busch from new york.
    he just spent some time with you at the AMC FESTIVAL.
    i just purchased your self-portrait-
    it is hauntingly beautiful…
    much love to you.
    thank you for coloring my life in so many ways.
    i am a celebrity haircolorist in new york…
    if you are ever here-it would be an honor to color your hair…
    brad johns

  102. Beautiful paintings…Horse Heaven really touches me this afternoon–so much love and peace in that picture. Kudos. I’m going to try to make it to Youngstown OH this spring for the exhibition of your work. Thank you for sharing your work.

  103. Hi Kim Novak,

    For many years I Have been a great of yours Kim since 1985 to The Present Day.

    When you appeared in Hollywood Movies included Picnic,Of Human Bondage,Veritgo,Strangers When We Meet,The Man With The Golden Arm,Pal Joey,Bell,Book & Candle and The Mirror Crack’d.

    Once again Kim,you are a great actress & The Oil Painter Artist and keep up the work indeed.

    Terry Christie,from Sunderland,Tyne & Wear,England

  104. Dear Ms. Novak,
    I was so pleased to see you on stage at the academy awards. I have been a very strong admirer of yours ever since I saw you in “Picnic” many years ago. Lost track of you but was very surprised (pleasantly so) to see you presenting the award. That took so much mental and physical strength to do that but you looked absolutely beautiful. Thank you so much. I am 75 and I could not have done what you did. After seeing you at the awards, I looked for you on the web and found your gallery website. Wow!! You are so talented. I loved your self portrait. Many thanks again for the joy you brought this old guy. God Bless,

  105. To me, ‘River Dancers’ is especially beautiful. Perhaps it is because it reminds me of a enchanting waterway that I used to frequent as a child, a place where the magical and the fragile were so perfectly intertwined that time seemed to stand still and all I could do is observe. I think that the artist has captured an essential energy in pictorial form here. This is nature and this is art.

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