River Dancers

River Dancers, Original Painting of trees dancing on the banks of a river by Kim Novak. Copyright 2014 Kim Novak. All rights reserved.
River Dancers



These are dancing trees that have become separated by an ever-changing river. The males toss their fall leaves to lure the females on the other side,  who twist and shake to attract a partner. It’s dusk, and the creatures of the woodlands begin to warm up their vocal cords as the orchestra of rippling water plays on…nothing can keep these dancers apart now…no river can hold them back…and so these river dancers dance!

~ Kim NovaK, Artist


After the Reign

I AM PRESENTING THIS PAINTING AS A GIFT AT THE FEBIOFEST FILM FESTIVAL IN THE CITY OF PRAGUE – THE HOME OF MY FOREFATHERS. I painted this to honor what was known as the VELVET REVOLUTION, a time when the people of Czechoslovakia lived under the control and rule of the Russian Communist party. I was there visiting family with my Mom and Dad in the 1960s and was impressed with their fantastic puppet shows. While preparing my early sketches I realized that I was reliving my own experiences of what I was feeling while under contract and control of the Hollywood studio system. Although it is not to be compared with what they endured, somehow I felt the need to bring my puppet out from the cloud and the rain and get free from my brain. Enjoy! Prints of this painting are available from the artist: 12x15 - $400.00, 16x20 - $600.00

Pastel over Watercolor Underpainting


3/19/2015: I  painted “After the Reign” to honor what was known as the VELVET REVOLUTION, a time when the people of  Czechoslovakia lived under the control and rule of the Russian Communist party.

I  was there visiting family with my Mom and Dad in the 1960s and was impressed with their fantastic puppet shows.

While preparing my early sketches I realized that I was  reliving my own experiences of what I was feeling while under contract and control of the Hollywood studio system. Although  it is not to be compared with what they endured, somehow I felt the need to bring my puppet out from the cloud and the rain and get free from my brain.  Enjoy!

After the Reign, Original Poem written to accompany the painting After the Reign, which honors the Velvet Revolution in Czechosovakia, both by Kim Novak. Time will soon tell the what, where and why A Hand in the sky, that made the clouds cry Releasing a puppet so now she is free No treason, she dances for our liberty. Finding her voice, she now made her choice; Living with peace, we now can rejoice ~ Kim NovaK Original poem by Kim Novak, actress and artist. ©2015 Kim Novak. All Rights Reserved.


The White Winged Messenger

White Winged Messenger, Original Painting of a young woman and her child by a river, with an apparition of a white dove in the rapids of the stream. Pastel over watercolor by Kim Novak. Copyright 2014 Kim Novak. All rights reserved.
White Winged Messenger


Pastel over Watercolor

A young mother of faith and her child play by a stream at a time of crisis in her life. The image of a white winged bird appears as a messenger of hope in the rushing waters. She takes it as a sign from God, and it gives her renewed courage to follow God’s path.

~ Kim NovaK, Artist



Original painting in pastel over watercolor underpainting by Kim Novak. ©2014 Kim Novak. All rights reserved.

Pastel over Watercolor

I first got the idea for this painting while I watched my uncle’s expression of awe and wonderment as he gazed, spellbound at the love of his life – my 100 year old aunt.  It was as if she was being transformed  before our eyes.  Every color of the rainbow seemed to transpire through the melting layers of her translucent flesh.  It was like witnessing a rebirth!  I was able to see her, through his eyes, become a rare and magical butterfly from their own secret garden…and as my eyes filled with their garden’s dew, the mystical being fluttered and flew.

~ Kim NovaK, Artist


An Altered World

"An Altered World," Original watercolor painting of an autistic girl and a hummingbird by Kim Novak. Copyright 2014 Kim Novak. All rights reserved.
An Altered World



I have a friend who lives in her own special world. I am very fortunate to have been allowed to see inside. This is what I saw.

~ Kim NovaK, Artist

They Left Laughing

"They Left Laughing," Original Painting of an elderly couple laughing together as the man whispers in the woman's ear, by Kim Novak. Copyright 2014 Kim Novak. All rights reserved.
They Left Laughing


Pastel over Watercolor

This painting came about as the result of a photo I took at my Godmother’s (mother’s sister) birthday party. It was there that my husband paid off his bet to waltz her around the room if she made it to 100! Flushed and breathless, she then dropped into a chair beside my uncle for his approval. Oh, how proud he was as he leaned over to tell her she was, ‘the belle of the ball – and the prettiest girl of them all!’

…They left laughing.”

~ Kim NovaK, Artist


Meltdown on Wall Street

Meltdown on Wall Street, Original Oil on Canvas, Painting by Kim Novak
Meltdown on Wall Street


Oil on Canvas

“I was born during the ‘Great Depression,’ which followed the biggest meltdown that Wall Street has ever known. It was the inspiration for my painting of a more recent meltdown on America’s Wall Street.

Many of my bittersweet memories begin with fantasies starting in a cast iron frying pan. I remember my mother sobbing as if our world was coming to an end – then I started sobbing because she was sobbing.  All our tears disappeared when my father appeared to turn a bowl of beer batter into jumping horses and dancing girls kicking up their heels in the sizzling pan of bubbling oil.  Besides his hotcakes, he would enrapture my sister and me with a magic show of coloring eggs. Dad would dip hard boiled eggs into an oil mixture of brilliant colors; swirling them up and down and round and round into a kaleidoscope of images that tickled my imagination. That’s how it all began – a bittersweet introduction to the wonderland of ART – it was the key that opened a door to the magical world of make believe, where I learned to see the light beyond the dark cloud hovering over our country’s ‘Great Depression’… it helped me to cope with my own form of dark cloud depression.”

~ Kim NovaK, Artist


Transformation – Nelson Mandela

"Transformation - Nelson Mandela" original painting of Nelson Mandela in pastel over watercolor by artist Kim Novak. Copyright 2014 Kim Novak. All rights reserved.
Transformation – Nelson Mandela


Pastel over Watercolor

The world has been amazed by Nelson Mandela’s power to bring people together, so when he died I wanted to create a painting to honor him. I tried showing his spirit transformed into a butterfly, with wings made up of his dream to form a Rainbow Coalition that included all races and all nations coming together in peace and harmony. I wanted the drips in my watercolor underpainting to represent the sweat and tears that were endured by himself and his people for their freedom.

I decided to add some miscellaneous creatures to accompany him on his journey as a gesture of his all-encompassing nature. He is about to lift off on a joyous adventure with his choir of voices singing in harmony as one!”

~ Kim NovaK, Artist



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