Tag Archives: chick in nest with flowers

In My Mother’s Arms

"In My Mother's Arms," Original Painting in pastel on watercolor by Kim Novak
In My Mother’s Arms


Pastel over Watercolor Underpainting

As I painted ‘In My Mother’s Arms’ I was thinking back as a young girl when my Mother refused to let me leave the nest – An older boy with piercing eyes brought me a dozen roses and asked me for a date – but she wouldn’t let me go.  I  pouted and watched the flowers wither and fall as I sat by the window feeling like a prisoner. I wanted to experience all of life that night and couldn’t understand why not.  I remember the feelings clearly and I wanted to paint my feelings, and so I wrote:

She built her nest around, me and wrapped me in her arms, One day you’ll understand, she said, To guard your precious charms. Original poem by Kim Novak, actress and artist. ©2014 Kim Novak. All Rights Reserved.

In the watercolor under painting I formed the long drips to give the feeling of the prison bars that kept me in…the carefully woven nest was my caring mother.

~ Kim NovaK, Artist