Tag Archives: new paintings

New Paintings Coming Soon!

This has been such a tragic time in history for all of us in this world — and it has touched us all in so many ways. Please know that my heart goes out to each and every one of you. May we find peace together in a brighter tomorrow!

Hannah and I have been putting together many new paintings and poems for my website. Hopefully, looking at them can bring you some pleasure. Most were introduced as part of my Retrospective exhibit at the Butler Museum of American Art last year. How special it was for me to witness and feel the appreciation for my lifetime’s work in art! For me, it was more rewarding than if I had received a Hollywood “Oscar”!

Anyway, you can expect a notice on Facebook, any day now, from Hannah that she has all the information and pictures ready to post on my website. These paintings are inspired by my life’s experiences, actions and reactions. In one of my favorites, called “LOST AND FOUND HORIZONS,” I painted a picture that could be interesting if hung and viewed in any of its four directions…depending on one’s mood. So I painted images to be discovered from any angle.

By now you may know that when you look at any of my paintings, they are not always just what they first appear to be — you may want you to look for more to be revealed. I will be excited to learn of your reactions and interpretation…and, just in case you want to know where my head and heart was during its ‘birthing’ process, read my poem and follow the CLUES!

I hope you will enjoy the journey into my mind and soul — colored, of course, by my imagination.


~ Kim

PS. Hannah and I changed the painting at the top of my Facebook page. It is part of one of my new pastels and a good example of my surrealistic style. Try seeing if you can find something that is not only what it appears to be!

Have fun with it!!!