I am planning to retire…not from expressing my feelings through the arts, but from the business of selling limited editions of some of my paintings as giclée prints. I remember when my website first started—it was exciting, yet complicated. At that time I was trying to prove to the vultures at the State Tax Board that part of my art could become a business. As you know, I rarely sold my originals, as they are like my children, wanting them to live on and be seen forever at the Butler Museum of American Art after my passing.
Thanks to the invaluable help of my dear friend, Hannah West, my website has become so much more than just a business. It has given me the opportunity to get to know you—and you to know me. Your appreciation has inspired me beyond words. It has given me the boost I needed to keep on painting my feelings.
Please forgive me if you are among those disappointed that my giclée prints are no longer available for purchase. My new year’s goal is to cut back on all activities that complicate and obligate the time I have left here on Earth. My desire is to simplify my life…to be free to wonder and wander wherever my precious path—and my horse—lead me.
I will still try to keep my website going so that you can see all my new paintings and poems as they happen. Also, my book, “KIM NOVAK: HER ART AND LIFE” will still be available and sold through the Butler Museum, which owns all the rights and profits. (You can find the signed copy here and the unsigned copy here.)
It has TRULY been an honor to share my journey with you!
❤️ Kim
Tag Archives: purchase kim novak limited edition print
The Ecstasy and Agony of Healing
The Tides of Humanity

Pastel over Mineral Spirits Underpainting
I would like to share a quote from my wise and wonderful mentor Richard McKinley, for my painting, The Tides of Humanity.
“When I look at the painting, I see you Kim – The creative soul looking into the vastness of the open sea of artistic possibilities, feet grounded in the shifting sands of mankind’s earth being washed and caressed by an ocean of something more.”
– Richard McKinley
~ Kim NovaK, Artist
Looking Back to See Ahead

Pastel over Watercolor Underpainting
“When I’m not sure what I want to paint, I rely on my underpainting to give me inspiration. It excites my senses to watch the colors flow to and fro as I move the surface. It satisfies my desire for freedom. I often make a game of it to decide where I want to go next. Like when I was a child playing with a ouija board, using unconscious thoughts and feelings to guide your hands and fingers – so I did that with this painting. First it led me to a waterfall which you can still see, especially on the upper right side of my painting; then the water parted and it led me to her – a lovely young girl looking back at me!