Pastel over Mineral Spirits Underpainting
I would like to share a quote from my wise and wonderful mentor Richard McKinley, for my painting, The Tides of Humanity.
“When I look at the painting, I see you Kim – The creative soul looking into the vastness of the open sea of artistic possibilities, feet grounded in the shifting sands of mankind’s earth being washed and caressed by an ocean of something more.”
– Richard McKinley
~ Kim NovaK, Artist
Simply Beautiful.
Your life journey is admired as much as your art.
You are inspirational.
Beautiful I love your paintings thank you.
Dears Novak
I have not received a response regarding purchasing one of your Pastel Paintings for sale. I am very interested, please contact me.
Maureen Murillo
Dears Novak
I would very much like to purchase one of your beautiful Pastels. I don’t know if this particular piece is still available, so please let me know.
Maureen Murillo
Ms. Novak,
I wanted to say that having been bullied myself throughout my life that you standing up and speaking out about the pain that adult bullying causes nearly had me in tears. It seems to be such a taboo subject that someone in your position being able to stop and say, this is wrong is amazing. Thank you.
I also viewed your paintings, I am not myself a painter, but have a love of nature and the arts. I was so moved by your paintings, being unable to declare a favorite, although the painting of your aunt and uncle made me smile. Before I read your inspiration for the painting, I could see how you captured the absolute love in your uncle’s eyes and the true excitement in your aunt’s eyes. When I looked at The Winged Messenger, I saw myself and my oldest son, The Tides of Humanity moved me so much because I have stood in the ocean watching the water move over my feet, thinking that it was washing all my difficulties away and your use of tree’s standing proud is beyond beautiful in the way you mixed a women’s strength and the strength of nature.
Thank you for sharing your truly moving and beautiful paintings with the world. You are blessed beyond measure to have such talent and please keep smiling as you are a beautiful person that deserves to stand tall.
Theresa Regan
Submitted on 2014/04/18 at 6:05 am
This is something incredible perfect….
Good Afternoon Kim!! I just Love all of your work. However, I really do enjoy this portrait! I do agree and appreciate Mr. McKinley’s quote, as it seems to be so descriptive of you. I love the colors you used here, the water looks so real, like you can really see your reflection!!!! I’m too so Appreciate to you Kim for being available to your fan base on Facebook. I truly admire you and all of your work on canvas especially and of course your wonderful film work. I love the films your in with Jimmy Stewart. Also Love and Enjoy ” Picnic” and how Beautiful you are in ” Eddy Duchin.” Thank you for giving hope to other Midwestern girls that dreams do come true. I’m so sorry that you had to go through so much in your young life for others to enjoy. I appreciate you! So glad you have peace, joy, and contentment now .
Dear Kim,
Your new facebook site is a wonderful treat to your legions of admirers, and your great talent as a painter deserves the public recognition it is now receiving. Nancy and I wish you a “Bon Voyage” on the QE II., and a lovely stay in the UK.
Speaking of the Queen, Her Majesty last month honored me by adding to HM’s Royal Photograph Collection my photograph titled “Coronation Broadcast” taken in an English pub on the day of her coronation. We send our love and best wishes, J&N
First of all I want to tell you seeing you last night at the oscars was a thrill for me. Loved your films from the good old days.
Secondly your work here is interesting. I’d be interested to know the cost of The Tides Of Humanity. It interests me.