13 thoughts on “We Can Get Through this Together”

  1. Ms. Novak , your art is spellbinding…and I read a couple of profiles that speak to your strength and your fierce independence. I truly applaud your journey throughout Hollywood during the period of the 1950’s. It must have been a treacherous journey through the maze of Hollywood and your successful exit from whatever encounters you took for your freedom.
    My favorite Kim Novak movie ,is Bell Book and Candle. I fell in extreme like with Gillian Holroyd…and your portrayal is Bewitching, and I could see why Mr.Sammy Davis, Jr. was enamored with You [ in another aspect of your life…]
    Up until BB &C…Pretty Woman was my favorite movie. I watch BB&C at least 3 times a week, and I bought it on DVD.
    I would like to get your book. I have become a fan of Yours, Long Life to You, Ms. Marilyn [ Kim ] Novak.
    Respectfully, Mr. J.B.Britt,ll.

  2. Please add me to your mailing list.
    I’m very interested in purchasing your prints.
    Thank you

  3. hi miss novak .my name is mike and i am a self taught artist and an avid movie watcher,,,,,my faves are film noir which im sure you can relate and i am also an aquarian like yourself(i am feb 1st) and i also love horses,,we used to go watch them and mom and dad were the betters, but as a little boy i was in awe of them and got to ride one once on a farm….i think animals are mysterious creatures ,like ourselves,and i can relate alot to your art,,you are much more advanced than i ;however, i would love to show you some maybe through a website ,(if i get the courage to make one or have one),,i have shown at gallery local and did sell quite a few but still i love the wonders of, like you say “fixing or finding the puzzle and putting it together”, as art does,,,thanks for sharing your beautiful art and if it weren’t for the art i believe i wouldn’t be here on this earth ,,i found it along the way to a lifelong illness i live with ,,,,i am fine now ,however i was struggling for many years, wondering why did i have this, but now i dont,,thanks and i am going to watch “pushover” tonight from 1954 with fred ,,hes one of my faves too,,thanks miss novak…:)

  4. Your art is beautiful, ethereal. I love “We Can Get Through This Together”. I would love to know when this will be available for purchase. Watching Vertigo today. You are your art!

  5. Just Watched Vertigo today..I totally fell in love with Madeleine..literally cried for Judy in the climax!..What a great piece of art and What a heart throbing impactful performance it was..Makes me go back to the character again!!!
    Great that you’re spreading awareness and impact with your artwork the way you did 62 years ago with Madeleine..!
    Much Love and may God bless you with good health and Power to create a difference in this World!

  6. We Can Get Through This Together
    Very interesting! I really like the painting. When will prints be available for purchase?
    Linda Morris

  7. Watching Vertigo now, another work of art. Decided to see what you’re up to. Beautiful art! So good to see you very active still! I pray God’s health and joy for you.

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