“A friend sent me a photo she took that looked like a horse running in the clouds – and soon my daydreams took over. I journeyed, and painted the canyons of my mind where I found my young stallion at the corner of my mind’s eye, waiting to take me out of this world. I was able to see myself lying back low along his hind quarters; my hair sweeping against his hocks seemed to spur him on. Hoofs pounding and feathers flying, we joined others on a golden bird that took us on a flight beyond Earth’s boundaries and into the Heavens!
~ Kim NovaK, Artist
You have a Beautiful mind with Soulful Art and words! If only more people would take the time to express themselves in these mediums. Constructively not destructively.
Kim, I’ve finally found you. I watched all of your movies thinking as a young girl that you were so beautiful. One day, many years ago, I saw you riding your horse on a road close to your home. I never forgot that image. Today I was trying to remember your name and was able to find you on the web. I always wondered where you were and how you were.
Discovering that you are an artist as well as a poet, I am so pleased. Your art is absolutely beautiful. I’m 78 now so don’t know about purchasing a piece of your work, but I know I will follow your website … stay well, and keep painting and sharing your thoughts and feelings. This old fan will never again forget your name.
Beautiful paintings and touching poetry. I have enjoyed your sharing your insights and happy you have continued creating, still catching up on your movies, glad you did them so I could see you and your art, poems no longer come to me .i hope you live long and enjoy and keep creating. Your fan Mary Lawler from bandcamp.
“Canyons of My Mind” is breathtaking. I wish I could afford it but….
Thank you for sharing such loveliness with us. Be yourself, always. This tired old world certainly needs you.
God bless.
While I cannot afford your lovely art, “Canyon/Minds” and “Way Back Home” in particular, with my teacher’s salary I can afford the time to let you know how I and my husband support your recent efforts to speak up against the ugliness of some people who have nothing better to do than get negative attention for themselves. We love and adore the time we get to spend watching your art on film. We thank you for your artistry.
Judy and Ralph
Dear Ms. Novak,
You are the cat’s pajamas. Loved your films, but REALLY love your paintings. I dabble and watercolor underlining finished in pastel is very rewarding. I especially like “Canyons of My Mind” and “Finding the Road Home.” Your works are inspiring and I wish you further satisfaction in your art.
Sincerely, Vicki Moran
I have a daughter who loves horses and has been riding for over 10 years now…and at one time wanted to be a vet ’til she found another calling. So, I loved your Horse Heaven print and the Canyons of My Mind print. Just had to write and tell you good for you that you spoke out. People don’t know our lives and all we have been through. Take care and love your artwork. T
Submitted on 2014/04/18 at 4:37 am
Ms. Novak, I wanted to let you know that I thought you looked beautiful at the Oscars. Don’t listen to the bullies, they live to pick on people and how can Donald Trump say anything about anyone. He is no beauty. God bless you Ms. Novak and I love your paintings also.
Kim, first I wanted to say “Good for You” standing up to Bullies at the Oscars and other places, bravo.
Secondly I think youre artwork is stunningly creative and immensely beautiful, your choice of colors show the depths of your imagination and creativity. .and having been a artist myself for most of my adult life, I am usually indifferent to other artists works unless they are of such a caliber and talent that it cannot be dismissed or ignored, you are a great artist. Thank you for sharing your talent and inner self with us. — all my best — Rick
Hello Kim,
Thank you for sharing your beautiful art work. I had no idea you were also such a talented artist. Your story hit me hard, the one you released after the 2014 Oscars. The manic depression, the bullying and YOU as such a sensitive soulful person. Perhaps it is because I understand you in a very similar way. Blessings and Love to you. It must be hard to be in the spotlight all your life and “geez, go get a life” to anyone who has the nerve to criticize you for trying to look your best so “they” can be entertained, huh. Your beautiful artwork proves to the world that you are beautiful and lovely and sensitive. It’s Gods course for us all to change as we get older. There, I said it. Get older. I love all the Native American elders who get those really “deep” wrinkles. They add such character and make them look so cool. It’s ok to get older! That means you have been places and done things! You of all people really have “lived” her life in the classy and “classic” way. It is not easy to make it in Hollywood. Tell Donald that his comb-over is falling down!