“When I look at the gnarled shapes of trees and where they’ve lived for years, I sometimes imagine them in other lives…what they might be doing if we weren’t watching. Like these two trees on a lone hillside, arms wrapped around each other. I can see them as young lovers that secretly celebrate life each twilight by lighting up the sky with the fire they feel for each other…tirelessly waltzing beneath the stars till dawn! Only to return, in silence, to be old trees, again, wrapped in each others arms forever more.
~ Kim NovaK, Artist
Could I please be put on the list for Hill House and for this one, They Danced Til Dawn? It’s reminiscent of the beautiful 1928 cartoon for me of the trees courtship, and I love this so much. I have a friend who walks around tending to the trees of the city, and I think this is just beautiful and makes me think of the people who protect trees, the spirit of the trees and mythology.
Absolutely! You are on the print notification list and I will contact you when Kim’s prints are again available.
Dear Kim:
In 1954, on their honeymoon, my parents stopped in Buffalo, NY. You must had been on a publicity tour. Seeing you left such an impression because they always spoke of not only your beautiful soulful eyes but also how you were so nice to them. Regardless of the subject, you have an exceptional gift in which your paintings capture soulful beauty. I just love your horse paintings. They are stunning!
So like Carmel ! I love the soft grace of ‘They Dance Till Dawn’.
This reminds me of a place I used to walk in Carmel where I owned a shop. Big Sur was a favorite place to go for peace and taking great photos (since I was 16). I’m an Aquarius, too.
Soft breezes blow through amethyst glow,
As darkness is gone, they dance til’ dawn. ‘
Your soul comes through with your paintings and I feel you are content in life. You have such a wonderful talent as an artist and a whimsy with your paintings. I particularly liked your painting “They Danced Till Dawn.” It spoke to me out of all your paintings. The sun coming up and the fluidity of movement, love it. There is beauty in it as well as yourself.
Your work is beautiful, as you are. I especially love They Danced Till Dawn. I have loved your films & now I love your art & poetry. Good for you beautiful lady.
Submitted on 2014/04/18 at 7:39 am
So interesting in introspective…I enjoyed your art
Dear Kim,
Your work is absolutely magnificent! Every painting moved me so. Your ‘Self Portrait’ is amazing. I have always been a fan &, in my opinion, you are still as beautiful today as you always have been. I read the article about the comments made about you after The Oscars & I was just amazed at the stupidity! I got chills when you walked out….you are so beautiful inside & out. And, good for you to speak out about bullying!! You are a true wonder, Kim….thank you.