Self Portrait, Original oil painting by Kim Novak. Copyright 2014 Kim Novak. All rights reserved.

I Am Planning to Retire…

I am planning to retire…not from expressing my feelings through the arts, but from the business of selling limited editions of some of my paintings as giclée prints. I remember when my website first started—it was exciting, yet complicated. At that time I was trying to prove to the vultures at the State Tax Board that part of my art could become a business. As you know, I rarely sold my originals, as they are like my children, wanting them to live on and be seen forever at the Butler Museum of American Art after my passing.

Thanks to the invaluable help of my dear friend, Hannah West, my website has become so much more than just a business. It has given me the opportunity to get to know you—and you to know me. Your appreciation has inspired me beyond words. It has given me the boost I needed to keep on painting my feelings.

Please forgive me if you are among those disappointed that my giclée prints are no longer available for purchase. My new year’s goal is to cut back on all activities that complicate and obligate the time I have left here on Earth. My desire is to simplify my life…to be free to wonder and wander wherever my precious path—and my horse—lead me.

I will still try to keep my website going so that you can see all my new paintings and poems as they happen. Also, my book, “KIM NOVAK: HER ART AND LIFE” will still be available and sold through the Butler Museum, which owns all the rights and profits. (You can find the signed copy here and the unsigned copy here.)

It has TRULY been an honor to share my journey with you!

❤️ Kim

13 thoughts on “I Am Planning to Retire…”

  1. Kim, I watched pal Joey last night and was so impressed by you so much I looked you up. Needless to say I am now more impressed after reading through your website and viewing some of your art work and words. I hope some day I can be at ease with life as you are. I’m 68 yrs old and hope I can learn how to be at ease as you appear to be. ❤️

  2. Kim your artwork is very inspiring. I am
    Motivated to learn french, Mandarin and
    Portugues and to master the piano. I am
    Hoping that these pursuits will allow me to
    Age as gracefully as you have.

  3. I saw one of your paintings the other day and it haunted me when I looked painting up in the artist, I was compelled to send you this quick note you definitely have a gift

  4. Kim, Thank you for being an inspirational artist but please do not retire. Please reconsider. We have to embrace whatever we can during the short time we have on this Earth. We owe to yourselves, to all our loved ones (including those we love who leave before us), and all our friends. Like many others, I have been a fan of your work since I was a young boy back in County Donegal in Ireland many years ago. You are a wonderful artist. Please try to embrace your artistry again. Thank you Kim for being an inspiration to us all but please don’t retire. We need you.
    Go raibh maith agat mo chara (as we say in Ireland). Paul.

    1. Hi Paul, thank you for your heartfelt comment. Please be assured that Kim is not giving up her art! She just had to step back from selling the prints because it was taking so much time from a life that’s busy withher art & poetry, horses & dogs, and enjoying life without any obligations. If you would like me to add you to her print notification list, I’ll be happy to notify you when her prints again become available.

  5. You are a truly wonderful soul, and you are loved by many, even though you might not know them. I know getting old is hard and scary and don’t be afraid. Your legacy and memory will live on and on, and we are the lucky ones in the end….because YOU made a difference in this crazy world, and don’t forget that.

  6. Dear dear Kim

    I do so hope it will be a long time before you leave us but I do understand we all have a date.

    Your art has always seemed to have an ethereal quality to it, a mistiness to it for me, in the quality of the light, which I try so hard to capture in my art and often struggle to achieve.

    Know that you are loved, that your voice will always be heard, now and forever!

    Much love

  7. I was watching the film Pal Joey and googled you to see where and what became of Kim Novak. Well here you are expressing the beauty you always were on canvas. Wow! Fabulous work!

  8. I am humbled by your vast amount of incredible work in film and art and have few words to convey effectively my appreciation. I will just say thank you for all your wonderful healing gifts which reach so many in far reaching positive ways. On your blessed path you share so much magic, wonder and wisdom through your art and writing. The universe writes the script and i guess we’re all learning the lines. Thank you for the music as the song goes

  9. You have taken the right course at this time in your life. I’m 87 and have done the same. We have, all of us, left footprints in the sands of time.

  10. As a fellow poet,I can say this….your art transcends an eclectic,and insightful soul,who has aged as gracefully and quietly as one could possibly age,during these modern times,of complete,unadulterated insanity….thank you so very much,for sharing your true,inner consciousness….

  11. I woke up this morning with the image of your hummingbird painting in my mind. Your inner beauty shows in your work. Best wishes to you.

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